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List of 8 local businesses for "filipino restaurant" near Washington, DC with reviews.

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Dependable Restaurant Equipment Repair
location information

1052 N. Carolina Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003

phone information

(202) 652-4505


Service and repair for restaurant equipment and appliances

location information

1727 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009

hours information

Hours: The best brunch in DC, Sundays 10am 4pm

phone information

(202) 328-1640


French Restaurant at Dupont Circle; dinner, lunch, Sunday brunch buffet

location information

1811 Columbia Road, Washington, DC 20009

phone information

202 234 6218


Eclectic / sushi, contemporary American; Sunday drag brunch buffet

location information

1000 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

phone information

202 582 1234


At the Hyatt; informal, atrium restaurant serving breakfast and lunch daily; brunch buffet

location information

1731 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009

phone information



At the Carlyle Suites; seasonal restaurant menus; breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch buffet

location information

3000 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20007

phone information

202-298-TRUE (8783)


Waterfront Washington Harbour restaurant; lunch, dinner, dessert, Saturday & Sunday Farmers Market brunch buffet

location information

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20566

hours information

Building opens daily at 10 a.m.

phone information

(202) 416-8555


Dinner, Sunday buffet brunch; innovative adaptations of classic dishes; 3-course prix fixe or a la carte

location information

410 Severn Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403

hours information

Hours: Monday 11:30am - 9:00pm
Tuesday 11:30am - 9:00pm
Wednesday 11:30am - 9:00pm
Thursday 11:30am - 9:00pm
Friday 11:30am - 10:00pm
Saturday 11:30am - 10:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 8:30pm

phone information

(410) 263-8102


Tucked in the Annapolis City Marina; lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch buffet

location information

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