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List of 8 local businesses for "pizza" near Miami, FL with reviews.

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3918 North Miami Avenue, Miami, 33127

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A comfortable place to gather and share local and craft beers on draught, housemade snacks, salads, specials, and thin-crust pizzas...

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888 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132

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(305) 358-8881



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204 N. Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128

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Pizza, subs, pasta, salads, wraps, smoothies...

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2437 SW 17th Ave., Miami, FL 33145

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Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:30 AM - 2:00AM
Friday & Saturday 10:30 AM - 5:00AM
Sunday 10:30 AM - 1:00AM

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(305) 858-0090


Spaghetti, pizza, wings, veggie, cheesesteak...

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2506 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33127

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SUNDAY 10:30AM - 4:00PM

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(305) 438-0488


Best Pizza in Miami from Haute Living - casually elegant modern Italian cafe in the center of the Wynwood Arts District

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1755 NW 79th Ave., Miami, FL 33126

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Pasta, subs, salads, wings - order online

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69 E. Flagler St., Miami, FL 33131

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A slice of Rome - the dedication of Roman professionals, creating a dough that is incredibly light and very easy to digest

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213 SE First Street, Miami, FL 33131

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Hours: Monday- Friday 11:00pm - 9:00 m
Saturday 11:00am - 10:00pm

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From the heart of Milano, authentic Cucina Italiana - homemade pasta, freshly baked bread, pizza, and confections

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The Best Pizza in Miami - A YLocale Guide

Who has it? Is it Harry's in the Design District? Or Andiamo with its brick-oven pizza? Or perhaps Lucali, right by the Causeway and known for its bufala mozzarella (and nutella)! You will find as many opinions as there are pizza toppings.

New York vs Chicago

The first question to ask though is whether you are looking for a "New York"-style pizza with a thin crust or a "Chicago"-style deep-dish pizza? A good New York pizza will have a nice, crispy crust with an excellent flavored sauce. A good deep-dish pizza on the other hand should have an inch or so of delicious dough sometimes with cheese inserted, and then a copious amount of toppings. This may be harder to find in Miami, but we've heard that Manhattan Chicago Pizza has a pretty good one.

Keep in mind that a deep dish pizza often takes longer to bake, so there may be a bit more of a wait once you place your order. Calling ahead might be a good way to reduce the wait time.

Nowadays you will also find "California" pizza - which seems to mean having less-common ingredients such as duck, salmon, or even zucchini flowers. Some even claim there's a "Miami-style" pizza, though we were unable to get a consensus on what would be distinctively Miami.


What are your favorites? There are the old standbys, such as pepperoni, mushrooms, sausage, and anchovies. But these days you can find almost anything on a pizza, from cloves of garlic to bacon, from egg to capers. Most pizza places will also offer pre-arranged combinations where they have (hopefully) picked a selection of toppings that go well together with each other. For an interesting combo, try the Slow Roasted Pork Pizza at Harry's with figs and arugula.

Lactose Intolerant?

Although some people may give you a strange look, you can get pizza with no cheese at all - it's actually not bad! Some places may also have non-dairy cheese, usually made of soy or a similar vegetarian ingredient.

Decor and Price

Pizza is usually not considered fine dining, but pizza joints range from gritty and grungy to fancy and refined. Similarly, the price can vary quite a bit, from $2 / slice to $8 for an extra topping. And some places, such as Frankie's Pizza on Bird Road, are delivery and take-out only.

Da Best

So who wins? Sorry, we're not even going to try to declare a winner, the place that we can call The Best Pizza Place In The Miami Area. To be fair, the answer will probably change depending on what day it is and what kind of a mood we're in. The best way to tell is to go and try them yourself! And let your friends know which ones you like, or share your thoughts on social networks and review sites. And get a good start by looking at a list of pizza places in the Miami metro area right here on YLocale with reviews and pictures.

Buon Appetito!

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