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Hullverson Law Firm logo

1010 Market Street Suite 1480
St Louis, MO 63101

St. Louis Personal Injury Attorneys

We've handled serious mesothelioma and asbestos related injuries and diseases for over 30 years in Missouri and Illinois.

Hullverson Law Firm - HLF
1010 Market Street, Suite 1480, St Louis, MO, 63101
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Finding a Good Personal Injury Lawyer - A YLocale Guide

In this day and age, there are hazards all around us every day. While we hope that we are never in a situation where we can be seriously injured, it is an unfortunate reality that these dangers do exist. Accidents can occur in the workplace, at home, or in between, and there are even cases of deliberate injury.

If you do experience an injury, it's good to know what your options are, particularly if your injury prevents you from working or obtaining employment and if the injury was the fault of another person.

If you feel you may need to go to court in order to obtain compensation for your injuries, you can look for a plaintiff's personal injury lawyer. Many lawyers work in a variety of different areas - you should try and find one that has a decent amount of experience representing plaintiffs in court cases involving personal injury.

How do you go about finding a good personal injury lawyer / accident attorney? If you have friends, acquaintances, or coworkers / colleagues that have had a positive experience working with a lawyer or law firm in a similar situation, that is a great place to start. Ask detailed questions about how their experience with the lawyer went, and whether they would use that person again for themselves.

You can also try asking the local bar association for referrals.

In addition, there are many online and off-line services which include user reviews of services, including Yelp, Nolo, Angie's List, and of course right here on YLocale.

However you find the names of lawyers that might potentially represent you, it is recommended that you find at least a few, and then talk with each one. This will allow you to compare them and see which ones seem to be able to serve your needs the best.

Most lawyers won't charge just for an introductory meeting, but if your potential attorney does, you may wish to consider a different choice.

Some questions you may wish to ask during your meetings:

  • How much experience does the lawyer have? Do they have experience that fits your specific needs, such as a good history of representing plaintiffs in personal injury cases?
  • Would another lawyer at the firm be the one you would interact with mostly? If so, you may wish to ask to meet with that lawyer as well.
  • What lawyers' associations does the lawyer belong to?
  • What are the fees and what additional expenses would you need to pay for? The fees generally pay for a lawyer's time, but there may be other expenses that you would eventually get billed for; be sure you are clear on what these might include.

After meeting with a few lawyers, you should be able to choose one that seems like the best match for you. Whichever lawyer you choose, you probably want to ask for references, especially any that have been in a similar situation as yours when they were working with that lawyer.

And one last step before working with the lawyer - make sure you have a clear written contract detailing the fees and your working agreement. With this, you should be well equipped to pursue receiving proper compensation.

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